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Add a list of repos powered by HimbeerCloud™... #17

Closed HimbeersaftLP closed 4 years ago

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

...and move the News header down

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

I fell off my chair when I read HimbeerCloud. 😛

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

@Ultie0 same xD

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock The blocks are supposed to be horizontaly scrolling, also, this is not a replacement for the projects page, it's just a quick overview of all our repos

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

I approve because of HimbeerCloud!

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

even though it's just an overview, so is the projects page. Seriously, there's no need.

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock I really like it. Mostly because of HimbeerCloud. (Grape juice cloud)

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

I don't really mind, just don't see the need..... HimbeerCloud is pretty funny though xD

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

I really want to merge this lol

Also, how did you get the github stats?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Using the GitHub API

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

Grape juice cloud! 🍇 🍇 🍇

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

There is no need. It's redundant. This is like adding a plugin to a server that adds the /op command, even though it's already in PM.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Grape juice cloud! 🍇 🍇 🍇

*Raspberry juice :P

There is no need. It's redundant. This is like adding a plugin to a server that adds the /op command, even though it's already in PM.

No, this would be like adding a plugin that adds /thim which tells me a message, even tough /tell HimbeersaftLP is already in PM.

It's just a short overview

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock This needs to be merged!

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

No it doesnt! It is completely irrevalent! If they wanted an overview of the repositories, they would visit our github page. Not that.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Know what's irrelevant too? You, deleting and editing the issues on projects you don't even have to do with....

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

@HimbeersaftLP I do not know what you are talking about. I am confused.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

cough CommandShop cough

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

@HimbeersaftLP would you like a cough drop? 😛

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago


catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

It's 3 agianst 1 @TheRoyalBlock. The majority rules.

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

Our main man @Ad5001 needs to respond

Ad5001 commented 7 years ago

I have no opinion on this.

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@Ad5001 Please be on our side and approve it!

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Why merge? It adds another page, it makes a list of stuff which can easily be viewed on github anyways!

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock Aaand what's the projects page for then?

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

Shall we do a vote?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

The projects page is for downloading the plugin and viewing the wiki. We will sooon implement a downloads counter onto the projects page. That way they don't need to visit github to download the plugin and view the readme.

Taki21 commented 7 years ago

bonjour all but may i ask, how do u approve or dissaprove?

Taki21 commented 7 years ago

oh wait nvm

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Ultie0 deleted a comment from TheRoyalBlock 14 hours ago?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYY!

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock I deleted one of mine too, they both added nothing to the discussion. 😛

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

"le baguette" doesn't either...

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Discussing about a deleted comment isn't either, and me arguing about this isn't either (you get my point right :D)

AvgZing commented 7 years ago


AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Just testing Fasthub. Thanks @NiekertDev for introducing me to it!

Taki21 commented 7 years ago

we ever gonna merge it? ;p lol

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Nope. Most complicated pr. Logically it makes less sense to add this. If they wanted a list, visit github. If you really want it more visible, put an iframe of our github page!!!!

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Nope. Most complicated pr.

If you call a few lines more code complicated, then I wonder what a simple pr looks like for you...

Logically it makes less sense to add this.

Where's the logic for that statement?

If they wanted a list, visit github.

What's the point of your beloved projects page then?

If you really want it more visible, put an iframe of our github page!!!!

No, just no

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Beloved projects page? While not updated, it was supposed to have an automatic phar builder for each of our plugins, so they can download it from there, not have to compile it on their own...

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

We have poggit.

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

poggit loggit. pshhh

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

remember the lack of necessity

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

nice name, bad concept

Vaults1 commented 6 years ago


It looks cool, I'm just not sure about the slider thing, but I don't think you can do anything about it.

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

It literally says "check out our projects"... Go to the projects page for that! Unless the "detailed list" I's the project page, in which case it's finr

HimbeersaftLP commented 6 years ago

It literally says "check out our projects"... Go to the projects page for that! Unless the "detailed list" I's the project page, in which case it's finr

The project page is useless, send people to GitHub and you get the same result. My project list however gives an overview of all out projects directly on our webpage (which in itself is a total disaster anyway)

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

perhaps... I have an idea

HimbeersaftLP commented 6 years ago

Closing because this should be done client side w/o the need of iframes.

Vaults1 commented 6 years ago


InspectorGadget commented 6 years ago

@Ultie0 I think you can hide the slider...