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We need more ad spaces #24

Closed catgirlinspace closed 6 years ago

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

We need to add some more ad spaces so we get more impressions. And this step would be so much easier to do if we built this site from scratch using GitHub Pages and Jekyll. With Jekyll, life designing this site would be so much easier, since blog posts would be written in markdown, modifying the Navbar would just be one file, and there would be no need to use Travis to build the site, because Jekyll is built into GitHub Pages.

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

I see your point.

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

You need to get visitors first 😛. What's the analytics for this site?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

(on vacation, managed to find data) Analytics: 1 visitor per week.

Side note: I created a test site using jekyll and it looked very bad. Please keep the current site

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock some Jekyll themes look good, some look bad.

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock Are you saying my site I just redesigned a few days ago looks bad?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Your site looks fine, but (no offense) not as themed towards the name as this. This is box/wood.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock Since when are cardboard boxes wood themed? (Yes I know cardboard is made out of wood)

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock Well look at pmmp. They took the alpha template from HTML5 and made it Jekyll compatible. And while wood looks nice, I prefer a very clean and easy on the eyes layout, such as jgthms/bulma which is what I used for my site and I'm going to use for the upcoming project (check Discord) admin area.

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

I like an appealing themed layout, not an empty, hollow layout.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

We need to add more ad spaces!

(I know where the door is)

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

We have a door?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Ofc we do, did noone notice that before? Totally legit bod logo

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

I'm blind!

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago


catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

I guess my monitor has too low of a resolution I didn't see that when it was really small on 😆

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago


AvgZing commented 6 years ago

We'll add more ad spaces soon, to random parts of the site

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

A side bar, maybe?

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

I got the perfect idea. We spam users with ads. I mean, they probably won’t notice. They’ll just think the ads are our plugins.

Vaults1 commented 6 years ago

lol this github issue is public and that isn't really great for user satisfaction

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

It was a joke...

Vaults1 commented 6 years ago

oh lol, sorry sarcasm isn't really noticeable online

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

lol have we actually earnt any money at all from those ads?

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

Absolutely 0 revenue at the moment.

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

We have 3.6k satoshi which is worth $0.50 USD. We need to reach 100k for minimum payout, due to the BTC network being in a traffic jam.

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

ah. I see.

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

You see what? The network being in a traffic jam?

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

I see that we have 3.6k satoshi (a currency I did not previously know existed), and I see that we need to reach 100k satoshi for minimum payout (because the BTC network is in a traffic jam), and I see that we are getting very little money from the small amount of traffic to our website.

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago
  1. Satoshi is just smaller parts of bitcoin. 1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC

  2. A-Ads will add altcoin withdraws soon, so we can avoid the traffic jam entirely.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Now back to @Dog2puppy, using JavaScript you can read blog posts from a markdown file and send them as HTML.

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

But what would we do with JS?

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

@nathjeid that seems off-topic

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

@nathjeid how do you read the markdown file with JS? We don't need it for blog posts, but I'm curious...

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

in fact, GitHub has its own api for converting markdown to html

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

Try it: make a repo with gh-pages and no index file, but have the readme. you'll see the contents of the readme displayed

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

So how's that an API?

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

Isn't that just making a new repo?

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

alright, buh bye, time for school

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

I'm on a 2 hour delay. Go snow!

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock I know GitHub has it's own thing, but I'm curious about doing it with plain JS without GitHub's "API". (E.g. a gallery thing, where the JS gets a markdown file that contains an image and description, then displays them all on the same page)

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

@TheDragonRing You could make an NPM package.

EDIT: nvm, it's already been done.

Ad5001 commented 6 years ago

With a simple ajax request to the github API would do the trick, althought they have a rate limit.

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

They do have an API.

Ad5001 commented 6 years ago

And with plain JS:

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

Just asking, but does anyone else use Codenvy?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@Ad5001 @Dog2puppy @TheDragonRing This is an example of showdown, it is used by Google Cloud Platform and Stackoverflow.!/elated-may

ghost commented 6 years ago

@Dog2puppy I have heard of Codenvy..

AvgZing commented 6 years ago

@nathjeid Well, that doesn't make it much easier, nor better. You still have image tags, but with markdown you don't get to do beautiful formatting. I don't understand the purpose, but the function is interesting

ghost commented 6 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock This is a hold back, why not have a database and work with React?

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

React uses JSX. Vue.js is soooooo much better.