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The website, but done right #27

Closed mathhulk closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Why did you change the license?

ghost commented 6 years ago

You have some issues with Google PageSpeed. img_0098

mathhulk commented 6 years ago

Because I did not use the source code from the original website, I was not forced to use your license and thus I changed the license to a more public one. Along with that, the current LICENSE file for the original website is invalid, as the contents does not contain the actual license, but rather a human-readable version that explains what the license is. This human-readable version of the license is not a replacement for the license itself and thus causes that LICENSE file to be invalid.

I will look into the page load issues now.

mathhulk commented 6 years ago

Cool, feel free to use this as a template of sorts. Your last website had a lot of issues regarding standards and such, so I would recommend checking back here for that. I tried to make this version as responsive and up to standards as possible.

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

@mathhulk our current site is up to no standards at all, not even our own. It was never meant to be. It's simple a fancy, temporary placeholder. We know how to build responsive/up-to-standards websites (just see our personal sites for examples), this was just a rush job using a template. Appreciate the effort, though.

mathhulk commented 6 years ago

I apologize for coming off as rude. I never stated you did not know what you were doing and I know that might seem implied, but I was just saying that this could be used as a reference in the future.

dragonwocky commented 6 years ago

You didn't come off as rude. I just just explaining why our site was as it was. Sorry if I implied that I thought you were being rude.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Has anybody seen Google Lighthouse?

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

Since when did Google have a lighthouse?

ghost commented 6 years ago

It is an application that tests your site to modern web standards, that is my goal with @poggit. You may notice that Poggit loads really slow!

catgirlinspace commented 6 years ago

Cool. Is it like Google PageSpeed?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@Dog2puppy Yes, but PageSpeed it outdated and bad for developers to look at. It has very poor recommendations and is only meant to be used for live sites.