BoyC / GW2TacO

Guild Wars 2 Tactical Overlay (GW2TacO)
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Adjustable Siege Scale #106

Open SeparGW2 opened 2 years ago

SeparGW2 commented 2 years ago

The GW2 trebuchets and catapults use a fire button to launch their projectiles. The longer this button is held down the more distance the shot will travel and the more damage it will do. As the button is held down a horizontal power indicator bar fills up showing the amount of "energy" that will be used to throw the projectile. A tool to allow the user to release the projectile at the same percentage energy will allow the user to more effectively repeat a shot, dropping each projectile at the desired spot. This is especially useful for trebuchets.

The diagram below shows a 10 segment horizontal bar. Its should be position by moving the left end of the bar to the 0% position (left end) of the siege weapon "energy bar". Once it is properly placed, stretch or shrink the right end of the marker to the 100% position (right end) of the "energy bar". This will allow the user to repeat their show with greater accuracy. The way the windows are adjusted in TacO would be perfect for adjusting the position and size.

I have been using a plastic template to do the same thing. A more easily positioned electronic bar that will handle differently-positioned and differently-sized energy bars would be useful.

I'm not sure what the optimal color should be. Using the same color, or the same interface to set a color as is used to set the Mouse Highlight Color could be the solution. Siege Scale Siege Plastic Template