BoyC / GW2TacO

Guild Wars 2 Tactical Overlay (GW2TacO)
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Identify specific marker (toggle marker information text?) - issue or feature request #63

Open Schattenfluegel opened 2 years ago

Schattenfluegel commented 2 years ago

For a large set of markers i need to identify specific markers. As far as i read it toggle marker information text could do this job. But activating or deactivating this setting does not change anything for me.

Would it be possible to add an (debugging) option to show e.g. the marker's GUID below its icon to identify and debug errant marker data?

Or does toggle marker information text indeed do the job and i just need to add something specific to the marker data element to make it working?

BoyC commented 2 years ago

Marker information text is only visible when the player is in a specific radius of a marker, it's not on the marker itself.

Schattenfluegel commented 2 years ago

Where did you set the text output? Even while right ontop a marker point does not show me anything. And is the GUID or anything usable to identify a specific marker among the given information output or does it print tags like DisplayName/Name/Label etc?

BoyC commented 2 years ago

Description of the marker info text feature: