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Theme guidelines #10

Open MiguelCastillo opened 9 years ago

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

In the spirit to keep things consistent across themes, I think we could use a checklist before publishing a theme. So, the checklist isn't really to get all "use strict" on anyone, but more to help our friends using our themes have confidence that we release good and consistent themes. I predict that there will be lots of themes in the registry so its important to make sure ours are top notch. ;-)

Let's start here :)

This guideline can also be applicable when someone wants to publish their theme with us.

Any thoughts?

larz0 commented 9 years ago

Make sure OVR cursor is visible?

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

Good point @larz0

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

I haven't seen issues with it... Primarily because I never use OVR :) Do you have a screenshot handy we can include to verify when it's broken?

mackenza commented 9 years ago

on the screenshots, the current max-width of the stylesheet we are using is 739px so if we want a 16:9 aspect ratio, that means a height of 415px. So lets make it that the standard for a screenshot is 739x415px. Yes?

Also, I recommend bumping your font to something like 14px so the text is more readable and people can see the colors better. We should not have shadows on the screenshots. Perhaps someone with CSS skills can modify the site css to add a shadow on the screenshot containers?

larz0 commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo if it looks the same as the normal cursor then it's broken. It should either be an underline or a block (char background). For some reason if the theme is not 'dark' then it'd show both the left border and bottom border that can't be overwritten with theme.css, probably due to some CSS specificity thing.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@larz interesting. Now it rings a bell from a long time ago

wormeyman commented 9 years ago

@mackenza I vote for at least a 720p photo, that will give us more room for future expansion. Also if we wanted to we could use the high res photos and scale them down for hidpi devices.

Denisov21 commented 9 years ago

@mackenza I vote for at least a 720p photo!

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

We should make sure the active find highlight (current match) and the general find highlight (other matches) are different. I saw some themes where they weren't.

Btw, I updated the description to mention themes.json.

mackenza commented 9 years ago

I think we need to get the word out more about Brackets Themes. Since we have in our workflow to add your theme to the themes.json file when it gets published to the registry, perhaps we can also have a standard line in our package.json files like:

<actual description text>. See how this theme looks on

or something like that. I don't think the registry supports links so it would just be text.

larz0 commented 9 years ago

@mackenza can't wait for the themes tab in the extension manager :heart_eyes:

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@mackenza +1 for the standard line!

@larz0 +1 for the themes' tab in the extension manager! Whoever is creating it needs to get that shit done already :D

larz0 commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo no rush! (WOULD BE GREAT FOR SPRINT 43 THOUGH.)


mackenza commented 9 years ago

I hope they don't give it to that new core contributor, too important for a n00b rookie... oh wait, wasn't that you @MiguelCastillo ? :sunglasses:

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

hahaha, you know it, @mackenza !