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added missing themes to themes.json #21

Closed mackenza closed 9 years ago

mackenza commented 9 years ago

just noticed that @larz0 needs to update the screenshots of the added themes. If you want to hold off on merging this till that happens, fine by me.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

I was just thinking that too @mackenza. Let's merge when the screenshots are ready.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@larz0 Could you please update the screenshots of the following themes?


larz0 commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber sure I can do that now. Thanks.

mackenza commented 9 years ago

I added the latest themes from the prolific @larz0 ;)

Seems ready to merge except for @MiguelCastillo and the Twilight ss update.

larz0 commented 9 years ago

Cool thanks @mackenza!

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@mackenza I see twilight already in the themes.json in this PR. Thank you for doing that :)

What else is missing?

mackenza commented 9 years ago

I think @MarcelGerber indicated above it needed a screenshot update. I honestly haven't looked, I was just going by his comment above.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber It seems like we are all set to merge this one. Is there something in Twilight that needs to done?

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@mackenza sorry I didn't comment on your response. Twilight has a screenshot, and it is already in the themes.json in your PR. That's why I was asking if there is anything else left to here besides merge.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo Your Twilight screenshot has a shadow while it shouldn't have one any more. Please remove it.

mackenza commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo what @MarcelGerber said ;)

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

OH! I see. Now I know how this kinda screenshot is generated. If you do on Mac CMD + Shift + 4 + space, then the screenshot is created with the bullshit padding and shadow. I will fix it in a min.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

Btw, I just pushed another commit which adds another 3 themes by larz. Man, he can't get enough.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

Merging. Thanks @ all.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

Just noticed: Is there a reason the Envy theme is not included in the json file?

mackenza commented 9 years ago

lol no, since Envy is mine and I use it everyday ;) @MarcelGerber can you quickly add it? I am at work atm

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@mackenza Done :D

mackenza commented 9 years ago

thanks @MarcelGerber !