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who is keeping up with and index.html updates? #9

Closed mackenza closed 9 years ago

mackenza commented 9 years ago

We are adding new themes pretty much daily, but not all of them are on the web page. Is there going to be 1 person that maintains the list or are we going to add the editing of the and index.html as workflow tasks when a new theme is added?

I think it should be the latter as only the theme author really knows if the theme is ready to be advertised and whether they have added it to the Brackets Registry or not.


MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@mackenza that's a really good point. I think that we should add new themes to the index.html when adding new themes. Or at least log an issue for it in here ( This way we at least know there is a pending item we need to address.

Anyone has any objections using PRs as the primary way to commit changes to index.html?

Something else I am thinking about is finding a way to make all the screenshots the same size. I am not sure if there is some way we can help us do this automatically. Any ideas?

cc @wormeyman @Denisov21 @larz0 @sbruchmann @ryanstewart

mackenza commented 9 years ago

I am ok with the PR approach. So when someone submits a new theme, they are responsible to create a PR that modifies the index.html. What about the Do you want to keep this in sync with the index.html or have it just be a basic description of the org and then a pointer to the site? I prefer the latter.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

Yeah I am sorry for my assumption. They should probably both be updated I think. What do you think?

mackenza commented 9 years ago

I think we let the readme stay mostly static. I have submitted a PR #11 to address it.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

Yup, I like the idea

larz0 commented 9 years ago

Could we make index.html show theme names in the left bar and code mirror in the main section that uses whatever theme's selected? This way we won't need to load a bunch of screenshots. Definitely more work involved though.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

I like that idea @larz0. I was thinking about integrating code mirror in the page to test drive our stuff. I can take an initial pass at adding codemirror... Maybe you can help adding the panel on the left with your magic stylistic touch?

mackenza commented 9 years ago

wow, neat idea. I will leave it to someone better at coding though ;)

Denisov21 commented 9 years ago

I wish if the images in the site are the same size and made ​​with the same operating system.

larz0 commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo yep I can help with the styling :+1:

mackenza commented 9 years ago

@Denisov21 I don't have access to a Mac. For me it would have to be Windows or Linux.

Denisov21 commented 9 years ago

@mackenza The best solution for me is to create a folder called "screenshots" and upload the pictures from there. Vote for Windows is the most widely!

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

I am not too attached to the specific platform. Screenshots will probably end up going away when we are a live instance of code mirror.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@larz0 One thing about adding codemirror is that we will need to find a way to process themes that are in less file formats. :/

larz0 commented 9 years ago

DOh 😵

mackenza commented 9 years ago

until we can get that done, the site is somewhat useless right now as it's only showing about half of the available themes. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can automate this or make it so dead simple that theme authors don't ignore it?

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@mackenza We could actually automate it via the GitHub API, but that'd require every repo to have a similar screenshot URL (the paths differ pretty much right now). Another possible solution would be to have a themes.json file in this repo which contains the theme's name, URL and screenshot URL. This'd give us a little more control, too, as we can include and exclude whatever theme we want.

I could implement that for you if you guys want me to.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber We would love to have you join this awesome group and help us where you can :) I am adding you.

mackenza commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber that would be awesome!

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo @mackenza I'm almost ready. You can already take a look at my live demo.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber That's all automated?????

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo Mostly, everything lives in that small, stylish .json file.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

@MarcelGerber You are awesome, thank you!

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

@MiguelCastillo I'll be testing it a bit more (XSS and so on). I'll be ready in an hour or two.

marcelgerber commented 9 years ago

So can we close this now?

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

I think we can. There is the part of process pending where we have to make sure to update the themes.json :)