Brackeys / MultiplayerFPS-Tutorial

A video series on making a multiplayer first-person shooter in Unity.
The Unlicense
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NetworkManager #3

Open Henningma opened 8 years ago

Henningma commented 8 years ago

I wonder is there a NetworkManager C# file? PlayerMotor.cs, PlayerControler.cs, PlayerSetup.cs, NetworkManager.cs, or something that can show me how you did it so it work as it should. For now I have a lot of issues to fix the problems till I can play it. Some times it working, other time it will not work. Am using unity 5.3.5f1, after all trying I wonder the free unity are working as it should. I see you get player clone, I didn't, and so on. So you see I trying to understand it so I can go forward to making a game with unity.

I hope you can help me out, if you got the time. Is there a possiable to make a new tutorial using newer unity like 5.3.5 ? I wonder how to make a transporter, and other things like star trek :) I understand a lot what you telling us but there will be a problem to make it when it not working like you showing in tutorials.

Keep up the good work!

pcontroler pmotor psetup unity535f1_01 unity535f1_02 unity535f1_03

ghost commented 8 years ago

Usually the free version is not really different to the paid version except for working in a team because then you need the paid one. The newer version of unity shouldn't be a problem either.

The idea of a teleporter or transporter is actually pretty easy. You just need to do something like: On collider enter { set transform to destination } (It's a little bit more complicated than that, but I hope you get the idea!) But I don't know if this will work with the multiplayer!