Brad-Davidson / MealPlanner

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Tyler hitchner code reveiw2 #37

Open Hitchnt opened 3 years ago

Hitchnt commented 3 years ago

1.Analysis of the program. Much has improve since last review at first launch it clear on what it is and self explanatory for the most part. Aside from looking a bit different from what is in the readme, the UI design work and flows and still feel as if it is a meal planner. I will say that code was very clean when going through it and seeing correct usage of class, declaring, variables and etc.

2.Was the program available in UC Github on time? Yes

3.Is the program documented/commented well enough for you to understand? Yes both documented were it was need and commented when needed

4.Does the program compile? Yes

5.Rationale behind your changes. Most of my change I made were light touch's, for some of the stuff that mass comment out in class I did not touch since I knew you still working on it most of it was firebase and I don't know how your guys were setting up so I choose to not infringe on those section of the project.

What I have learn. Learning more about the recycler view, This good I know for out team was may and probably with end up using this. Outside of My Plant Dairy, this another good example of use that we can use to help us implement it. We need to do the same with ours when clicking on a item and going to new fragment with that item information.

We going using the fun SetTime function you have in MealPlan.kt as a template for us, we learning as well to send push notification to the use, so it go to to see this to say when do want send messages to the user to notify them.

discospiff commented 3 years ago

Several good suggestions in this review.

There are a couple of things I'd reconsider, so I don't recommend merging the entire branch as is. Instead, look closely and decide what to keep, then integrate those changes manually.