BradLarson / GPUImage2

GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
4.85k stars 605 forks source link

GPUImage framework always crashes on release iOS app #333

Open FulAppiOS opened 2 years ago

FulAppiOS commented 2 years ago

Hi, In my iOS project I use this framework, and it is amazing. All works fine when I install my app using Xcode, but when I install the app via TestFlight the app crashes every time I go to the viewcontroller that uses GPUImage framework.

I tried different solution but nothing:

This is my crash log, please help me:

Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000011b0b0000
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000011b0b0000
VM Region Info: 0x11b0b0000 is not in any region.  Bytes after previous region: 1  Bytes before following region: 1412317184
      MALLOC_LARGE             11afa8000-11b0b0000 [ 1056K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  
--->  GAP OF 0x542e4000 BYTES
      Stack Guard              16f394000-16f398000 [   16K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  
Exception Note:  EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [18891]

Triggered by Thread:  6

Thread 6 name:   Dispatch queue: com.sunsetlakesoftware.GPUImage.processingQueue
    Thread 6 Crashed:
    0   AGXMetalG14                            0x1f32140e8 0x1f2d43000 + 5050600
    1   AGXMetalG14                            0x1f3126ec0 0x1f2d43000 + 4079296
    2   AGXMetalG14                            0x1f3126ec0 0x1f2d43000 + 4079296
    3   AGXMetalG14                            0x1f3126e48 0x1f2d43000 + 4079176
    4   AppleMetalGLRenderer                   0x1f1f58184 invocation function for block in GLDContextRec::modifyTexSubImage(GLDTextureRec*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, void const*, int, GLDBufferRec*, unsigned int) + 112
    5   AppleMetalGLRenderer                   0x1f1f57c54 gldModifyTexSubImage + 1916
    6   GLEngine                               0x1beabb52c glTexImage2D_Exec + 1992
    7   OpenGLES                               0x1beb7bd68 glTexImage2D + 84
    8   GPUImage                               0x100de4978 closure #1 in PictureInput.init(image:smoothlyScaleOutput:orientation:) + 336
    9   GPUImage                               0x100e23844 specialized closure #1 in SerialDispatch.runOperationSynchronously(_:) + 212
    10  GPUImage                               0x100decf14 partial apply for thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 20
    11  GPUImage                               0x100decd78 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 20
    12  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802a3670 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
    13  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802b28c4 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 56
    14  GPUImage                               0x100ded7d8 specialized SerialDispatch.runOperationSynchronously(_:) + 412
    15  GPUImage                               0x100de5348 specialized PictureInput.init(image:smoothlyScaleOutput:orientation:) + 1136
    16  GPUImage                               0x100de54ac specialized PictureInput.__allocating_init(imageName:smoothlyScaleOutput:orientation:) + 196
    17  GPUImage                               0x100de4770 PictureInput.__allocating_init(imageName:smoothlyScaleOutput:orientation:) + 24
    18  MyApp                                  0x1009c4cbc closure #1 in closure #2 in EditorViewController.metodoImpostaImgDaAsset() + 516
    19  MyApp                                  0x1009e0dcc thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 20
    20  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802a3670 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
    21  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802a6b44 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 504
    22  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802b9c48 _dispatch_source_invoke + 1356
    23  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802a6674 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 500
    24  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802b4de0 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 396
    25  libdispatch.dylib                      0x1802b5608 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 164
    26  libsystem_pthread.dylib                0x1f19af0b8 _pthread_wqthread + 228
    27  libsystem_pthread.dylib                0x1f19aee94 start_wqthread + 8