BradenM / micropy-cli

Micropython Project Management Tool with VSCode support, Linting, Intellisense, Dependency Management, and more!
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Autocompletion and linting not available for libraries in src/lib #71

Closed MathijsNL closed 4 years ago

MathijsNL commented 4 years ago

Hi there,


I am having some problems with libraries not getting used for auto completion/ Default sys.path is the root folder and /lib

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/lib']

The resulting .vscode\settings.json and .pylintrc do not have this folder included. Currently this results in not getting auto completion and proper linting for user defined libraries.

Expected behaviour: Since the /lib folder on the device is available for imports, it should have working auto completion and linting working properly.

Possible fix: Because user libraries go into the lib folder I propose adding the "src/lib" folder to the .vscode\settings.json and .pylintrc file.

What are your thoughts? Let me know!

BradenM commented 4 years ago

Hi @MathijsNL,

Any dependencies for your project can be installed with: micropy install <PACKAGE>

Instead of just adding src/lib to the appropriate files, I did it this way to:

You can find more info regarding micropy install here.

I'm completely open to discussion though if you have some possible improvements for this.

Also, when you say "user defined libraries", are you referring to custom libs that are not published to pypi or similiar? If so, I will be adding functionality for installing local packages by path to micropy install soon.

MathijsNL commented 4 years ago

Also, when you say "user defined libraries", are you referring to custom libs that are not published to pypi or similiar?

Exactly this!

Instead of just adding src/lib to the appropriate files, I did it this way to:

I completely agree with the arguments you give.

My only requirement is to have the src/lib folder added to the .vscode/settings.json and the .pylintrc.

My thought was to maybe add it to the main menu.

    _template_files = {
        'vscode': CodeTemplate,
        'pylint': PylintTemplate,
        'pymakr': "pymakr.conf",
        'main' : "src/",
        'boot' : "src/",
        'lib' : "src/lib/",
        'gitignore': ".gitignore"

        'vscode': (['vscode'], ("VSCode Settings for "
        'pymakr': (['pymakr'], "Pymakr Configuration"),
        'pylint': (['pylint'], "Pylint MicroPython Settings"),
        'gitignore': (['gitignore'], "Git Ignore Template"),
        'bootstrap': (['main', 'boot''], " & files")
        'libfolder': (['lib'], "add lib folder to support user defined libraries")

This way people will get a choice of adding this folder to their project. Although not scalable, it is the most common place for libraries since it is included in the sys.path of micropython devices.

If so, I will be adding functionality for installing local packages by path to micropy install soon.

This might be the best way to go. I will wait till this feature is implemented. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

BradenM commented 4 years ago

Okay, I definitely see how this could be frustrating with a custom library.

How does this sound?


  "name": "NewProject",
  "stubs": {
    "esp32-micropython-1.11.0": "1.2.0"
  "packages": {
      "example-pypi-pkg": "==1.0.0"
  "dev-packages": {
    "micropy-cli": "*"
  "config": {
    "vscode": true,
    "pylint": true,
    "private-lib-path": "src/lib" // Default value

micropy install ./foobar/some-pkg or micropy install ./src/lib/some-pkg

1.) Add pkg to private-lib-path if not already there

2.) Add private-lib-path to settings.json and .pylintrc if used in project

3.) Update micropy.json

  "name": "NewProject",
  "stubs": {
    "esp32-micropython-1.11.0": "1.2.0"
  "packages": {
      "example-pypi-pkg": "==1.0.0",
      "example-local-pkg": "exlocalpkg"
  "dev-packages": {
    "micropy-cli": "*"
  "config": {
    "vscode": true,
    "pylint": true,
    "private-lib-path": "src/lib"

where "exlocalpkg" would be a path relative to private-lib-path. So in this cause the full path to example-local-pkg would be: my-micropy-project/src/lib/exlocalpkg

Would this cover your use cases?

MathijsNL commented 4 years ago

I think that will definitely do the job!

BradenM commented 4 years ago

@MathijsNL, Sorry for the delay! Had a lot of other items I needed to complete before this.

Not entirely sure the stability of this, so I went ahead and made a pre-release for it. You can try it out by executing: pip install micropy-cli --upgrade --pre

Let me know if you run into any issues with it! Thanks.

MathijsNL commented 4 years ago

No problem, I appreciate you taking the time to implement this feature.

I installed a new project and tried to install custom packages. Works like a charm! Things I checked:

I will try to look into the problem with the requirements.txt tonight or tomorrow hopefully.

BradenM commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report!

Feel free to open any new issues when you have the time. Thanks again.