BradenM / micropy-stubs

Automatically Generated Stub Packages for Micropy-Cli and whomever else
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Pycom stub not recognized #12

Open tgranqvist opened 3 years ago

tgranqvist commented 3 years ago

Dear maintainer

I have issues getting the pycom stub recognized when initializing a project. I have the LoPy4 board. Searching: image

Installing: image I see the stub being downloaded to %userprofile%.micropy\stubs

Initializing the project: image

Then this hits: image

The micropy.log file doesn't contain anything more detailed than these same messages. I have reached out to Pycom to ask if they have official stubs available.

I also tried creating a stub myself, using the micropy stubs create. After applying the patch to the file, I got to a stage where it says copying stub, but there it sits for 20 minutes. I haven't filed an issue for this yet, can do it over at the other repo if needed.

LeVraiRoiDHyrule commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue. Any solution found ?