BradleyA / pi-display

Displays are Pimoroni Blinkt, Scroll-pHAT, and Scroll-pHAT-HD connected to Raspberry Pi 3 using Triple GPIO Multiplexing Expansion Board
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link --> "" container varaible will return "" when adding #73

Open BradleyA opened 5 years ago

BradleyA commented 5 years ago --> if a host does not have any CONTAINERS (or any of the other variables being added below) the total is set to '' or /dev/null creating a false total value


    CONTAINERS=$(grep -i CONTAINERS "${DATA_DIR}"/"${CLUSTER}"/"${NODE}" | awk -v v=$CONTAINERS '{print ($2 == "" ? 0 : $2) + v}')
    RUNNING=$(grep -i RUNNING "${DATA_DIR}"/"${CLUSTER}"/"${NODE}" | awk -v v=$RUNNING '{print $2 + v}')
    PAUSED=$(grep -i PAUSED "${DATA_DIR}"/"${CLUSTER}"/"${NODE}" | awk -v v=$PAUSED '{print $2 + v}')
    STOPPED=$(grep -i STOPPED "${DATA_DIR}"/"${CLUSTER}"/"${NODE}" | awk -v v=$STOPPED '{print $2 + v}')
    IMAGES=$(grep -i IMAGES "${DATA_DIR}"/"${CLUSTER}"/"${NODE}" | awk -v v=$IMAGES '{print $2 + v}')