BradleyBartelt / P2__Waves

Tri 3 project for P2__Waves
2 stars 1 forks source link

Andrew Zhang Ticket3 #17

Open KetherBuG opened 3 years ago

KetherBuG commented 3 years ago

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BradleyBartelt commented 3 years ago

Search feature prioritises certin users based on comparisin to letters typed in so far. Very impressive and a great addition to the site.

Diegokrenz commented 3 years ago

Your search bar is very impressive.

colin-szeto commented 3 years ago

the search bar is interesting, the algorithms I wish you had linked the backend code

consider filtering table and display the top 10 items of the table and hide the rest of the users within the table to really emulate the progressive suggestions based off character input into the search bar

ANN is a bit confusing, I wish you had recorded a video to demonstrate functionality