BradleyBartelt / P2__Waves

Tri 3 project for P2__Waves
2 stars 1 forks source link

3 Tickets for 3 Weeks Plan Andrew Zhang: #6

Open KetherBuG opened 3 years ago

KetherBuG commented 3 years ago

Ticket 1:

Ticket 2:

Ticket 3:

KetherBuG commented 3 years ago

Week 2 Score: 3/3 Links to code:

I've also added a link to the source I've looked at that may be able to link IntelliJ with Google Collaboratory.

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

At a quick look it seem Jupyter needs to run like some databases (as a service) in order for things to work.

Week 2 Score: 3/3 Links to code:

I've also added a link to the source I've looked at that may be able to link IntelliJ with Google Collaboratory.

At a quick look it looks like Jupyter needs to run as a service. This looks like a fun task

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

It is fun to see you pursue interest and passion. Hopefully you can get some collaboration as you do it. 3/3

sophieleeajh commented 3 years ago

Neural Networks and the Tensorflow Vision sound very interesting to implement into your project. Your goals are clear and organized.

noyah81 commented 3 years ago

You have very good goals to further your knowledge and supportive material to learn. Try and implement personal goals into group project work

YanqiaoD commented 3 years ago

Looks great, it's a really nice work

0404btruong commented 3 years ago

Cool ideas and personal pursuit, if API set up is needed for group maybe do that first, but outside of that good luck with the Tensorflow and Neural Network, very interesting.

anthonywilsonn commented 3 years ago

I like your ideas and how precise you are with your goals. The api setup should improve your project. Nice Work!