BradleyChatha / jcli

A CLI framework for D
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Build error - possible regression for DMD-FE v2.102.2 #57

Open deavmi opened 1 year ago

deavmi commented 1 year ago

Not sure when this started happening but maybe when I upgraded my compiler? I am running version DMD64 D Compiler v2.102.2 of dmd and the version of the package I am using is jcli-0.25.0-beta.1, could you confirm whether this happens on your machine or not (so I can downgrade my compiler to get stuff working again):

deavmi@xps:~/Documents/Projects/t/code$ dub build && ./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_arrays4.t && ./tlang.out 
    Starting Performing "debug" build using /usr/bin/dmd for x86_64.
  Up-to-date gogga 0.1.3: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
    Building jcli:core 0.25.0-beta.1: building configuration [library]
../../../../.dub/packages/jcli-0.25.0-beta.1/jcli/subprojects/core/source/jcli/core/flags.d(92,5): Error: enum member `jcli.core.flags.ArgFlags._multipleBit` circular reference to `enum` member
../../../../.dub/packages/jcli-0.25.0-beta.1/jcli/subprojects/core/source/jcli/core/flags.d(101,5): Error: enum member `jcli.core.flags.ArgFlags._countBit` circular reference to `enum` member
../../../../.dub/packages/jcli-0.25.0-beta.1/jcli/subprojects/core/source/jcli/core/flags.d(115,27): Error: struct `jcli.core.flags.IncompatibleWithAnyOf` no size because of forward reference
Error /usr/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.
deavmi commented 1 year ago

Seems to work on dmd-2.099.1-0.fedora.x86_64.rpm :heavy_check_mark: Seems to work on dmd-2.100.0-0.fedora.x86_64.rpm :heavy_check_mark: Also on dmd-2.100.2-0.fedora.x86_64.rpm) :heavy_check_mark:

And it seems that dmd-2.101.0-0.fedora.x86_64 is what works and was what I probably was on so I will stick to it :checkered_flag:

deavmi commented 1 year ago

I will leave this open for you guys, thought I should bring it up, noticed it whilst working on

BradleyChatha commented 1 year ago

Yeah I get the same error. Odd.

I'll try to look into it this week for you.

BradleyChatha commented 1 year ago

LDC 1.31.0 (based off of dmd 2.101.2) works though :sweat_smile:

deavmi commented 1 year ago

Yeah I get the same error. Odd.

I'll try to look into it this week for you.

Thank you very much! I at least know which version of dmd I need but guess it is a good heads up.

deavmi commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?