BradyAJohnston / MolecularNodes

Toolbox for molecular animations in Blender, powered by Geometry Nodes.
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Entity detection in trajectories with protein-ligand complexes #533

Open rabiakhd opened 4 days ago

rabiakhd commented 4 days ago

Blender 4.1 Molecular Nodes 4.1.4 Windows 11

MD simulation software: Schrodinger Maestro Trajectory conversion form .cms to .dcd using VMD

topology and trajectory files: []

The ligand and solvent are grouped together and identified as one chain on MD import Automatic ligand detection from protein-ligand complexes inside trajectories will be awesome.

BradyAJohnston commented 4 days ago

This seems to be more an issue the topology. Looking at the data you sent, there are only two chains identified in the topology to begin with.

>>> np.unique(universe.atoms.chainIDs)
array(['A', 'X'], dtype=object)

There is potential to improve the ligand detection though - how would you extract ligand information from this trajectory currently?