BradyFU / Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models

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Fix leaderboard sorting by LLM parameters on project page #167

Closed maxbourke closed 2 weeks ago

maxbourke commented 2 weeks ago

Minor issue with project homepage: Sort by LLM parameters not working


Description: There is a minor issue with the sorting functionality in the leaderboard table. Clicking on the "LLM Params" header currently results in an alphabetic sort, not a numeric sort.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the homepage at
  2. Click the "LLM Params" header in the leaderboard table.

Expected Result: The table should sort by numeric parameter size (e.g., in ascending order, 7B comes before 34B).

Actual Result: The table sorts by alphabetic parameter size (e.g., in ascending order, 34B comes before 7B).

Screenshots: image

Suggestion: I can see the table uses the SortTable library ( It may require a custom or modified sort function for the "LLM Params" column to handle numeric sorting, or a hidden numeric column (where 34B is parsed to Number("34") * 1e9 and so on). Unfortunately JS is well outside my wheelhouse.

maxbourke commented 2 weeks ago

Posted to the wrong repo, will close this and repost in the right place