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SLAM: a python package for neuroanatomical surfaces analysis and modeling #15

Closed alexpron closed 1 year ago

alexpron commented 2 years ago

Project info


Development of the SLAM -Surface anaLysis And Modeling- python package

Project lead and collaborators:

**Project lead:** Guillaume Auzias and Alexandre Pron (@AlexandrePron) will be the project managers during this brainhack. **Project collaborators:** Main developers are the members of the MeCA team (, and we are welcoming warmly external collaborators, contributors and users. **Description:**

Slam ( is an open source python package dedicated to the representation of neuroanatomical surfaces stemming from MRI data in the form of triangular meshes and to their processing and analysis.

Main features include read/write gifti (and nifti) file format, geodesic distance computation, several implementations of graph Laplacian and Gradient, mesh surgery (boundary identification, large hole closing), several types of mapping between the mesh and a sphere, a disc… Have a look at the examples on the documentation website:

Goals for Brainhack Marseille


python 50%, mesh processing 20%, will to share ideas and good time 100% . Minimal skills in python coding and github are required, but various levels of expertise are welcome since some of our objectives can be addressed with limited coding effort such as augmenting the documentation and designing slam logo

Striking Image


Project submission

Submission checklist

Once the issue is submitted, please check items in this list as you add under ‘Additional project info’

alexpron commented 2 years ago

hi @Brainhack-Marseille/project-monitors: My project is ready!

StanSStanman commented 2 years ago

Dear @alexpron, we added your project on the BHM2021 website. :tada: Please check if all the information are correct, and tell us if you would like to change something. Ruggero

alexpron commented 2 years ago

Dear beau gosse @StanSStanman. Thank you very beaucoup for the add. The information is fine ! I would to modify few things: In the goals for the BrainHack section

  1. add right under the title: Tasks and objectives we would like to achieve can be found in the brain-slam github project
  2. Put the bullet point to "help potential users to get familiar with this python package" first and add after. The first BrainHack day could be considered as a training session for slam users. Thank you very beaucoup in advance Alex
StanSStanman commented 2 years ago

Hello @alexpron, your projet description have been modifié. Hope that tu trouveras les changes to your goût. See you bientôt.


alexpron commented 2 years ago

Super @StanSStanman thank you. See you