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PTVR – a visual perception software in Python to make virtual reality experiments easier to build and more reproduciblee #43

Open ericcastet opened 7 months ago

ericcastet commented 7 months ago


PTVR – a visual perception software in Python to make virtual reality experiments easier to build and more reproducible


Eric Castet Pierre Kornprobst


Carlos Aguilar

Brainhack Global 2023 Event

Brainhack Marseille

Project Description

PTVR is a free and open-source library for creating visual perception experiments in virtual reality using high-level Python script programming. It aims at helping behavioral science researchers/engineers leverage virtual reality’s power for their research without the need to learn how virtual reality programming works. The philosophy of PTVR is thus very close to the approach of PsychoPy ( that has been so important and influential since 2007 for Vision Science researchers displaying stimuli on 2D monitors.

The PTVR experiments are run in a VR headset making it easy to perform experiments in schools, hospitals, etc....

Having your experiment written in a PTVR script is very powerful in terms of reproducibility of science, Notably, this means that using this script allows anyone to integrally reproduce your experiment provided they have installed PTVR and possess a compatible VR headset.

Two types of sessions will be organized by groups of 4 persons: a/ In the first type of session, PTVR features will be exemplified thanks to demo scripts. In this case, participants will simply discover PTVR by being subjects of simple experiments and by looking at the corresponding code. This should help participants to see whether PTVR might allow them to run some VR experiments they have in mind. In this case, you do need to prepare anything in advance.

b/ In the seconde type of session, participants will try and write simple PTVR scripts

In this case, it would be helpful to :

You can find extensive information on the PTVR website:

Link to project repository/sources

Goals for Brainhack Global

For sessions of type b/ : deliverables will be new experiments or new demo scripts or new pedagogic scripts written by participants. They will be shared in this github repository:

Good first issues

  1. Read the Documentation of the PTVR website, especially the 'User Manual' section.

  2. issue two: if you already have a VR headset, install PTVR and test its demo scripts.

Communication channels


For sessions of type a/ : curiosity : 100%

For sessions of type b/ : basic knowledge of Python and basic knowledge of 3D geometry.

Onboarding documentation

What will participants learn?

In sessions of type a/, Participants will experience VR experiments created with PTVR and will be able to assess whether the code is appropriate for them. In sessions of type b/, Participants will be beta users to help us assess if PTVR code is accessible for non specialists in VR programming.

Data to use

No response

Number of collaborators


Credit to collaborators

For sessions of type b/ (see above), participants will be listed as beta users / tester in the PTVR website : about -> people.





Development status






Programming language



behavioral, eye_tracking

Git skills


Anything else?

No response

Things to do after the project is submitted and ready to review.

ericcastet commented 7 months ago

Hi @brainhackorg/project-monitors my project is ready!

arnaudletroter commented 7 months ago

Hi Eric, Thank you for submitting your project to BrainHack Marseille 2023. Your project is now visible online !

Arnaud for The BHM organization team.