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Integration of DAX pipeline with XNAT #5

Closed dumaatravaie closed 2 years ago

dumaatravaie commented 3 years ago

Project info

Title: Integration of DAX pipeline with XNAT

Project lead and collaborators: Lead: Dipankar Bachar @dipankarb Lead: David Meunier @davidmeunier79 Collaborator: Aissam Rahmani @aissamr

Description: Large scale image processing demands a standardized way of not only storage but also a method for job distribution and scheduling. The eXtensible Neuroimaging Archive Toolkit (XNAT) is one of several platforms that seeks to solve the storage issues. Distributed Automation for XNAT (DAX) is a job control and distribution manager. DAX allows to store analyzed imaging data on XNAT (datatypes), extract information from XNAT via scripts (Xnat_tools), run pipelines on the data in XNAT via a cluster ( processors ). We are working towards the integration of DAX pipeline to our XNAT datamanagement tools.

External links : xnat : DAX :

Reference: DAX - The Next Generation: Towards One Million Processes on Commodity Hardware Stephen M Damon, Brian D Boyd , Andrew J Plassard , Warren Taylor , Bennett A Landman PMID: 28919661 PMCID: PMC5596878 DOI: 10.1117/12.2254371

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Project Image: DAX_Workflow