Bramas / Ultratools

Editor for Ultrastar songs
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Compile Ultratools on Ubuntu 15.10 #6

Closed legluondunet closed 8 years ago

legluondunet commented 8 years ago


I would like to compile Ultratools on Ubuntu 15.10. I installed dependencies and fmodapi, like described in the Readme file. But now, I don't know how to start the compilation, there is no makefile. Thank you for your help.


Bramas commented 8 years ago

Right, you have to generate the make file using qmake from qt.

qmake "UltraTools"

If qt4 is used instead of qt5 maybe adding the option -qt=qt5 will work

I forgot to mention it in the readme because I always use qt creator to build it.

Tell me if it works.

legluondunet commented 8 years ago

I confirm I can compile UE with qmake method or with QT Creator. But I think it is better to communicate the qmake way, because you can use checkinstall to make a deb paquet and install it cleanly. I'm using UE for a long time with wine, but it was very buggy. With this new native version I hope I could write karaoke songs easier and faster.

Perhaps you could add more details to the readme file, about Linux compilation, like this:

1) Download FMOD EX api here: and install it: tar xvf fmodapilinux.tar.gz sudo cp -r fmodapilinux/api/lib/* /usr/local/lib/. sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/fmod/ sudo cp -r fmodapilinux/api/inc/* /usr/local/include/fmod/. sudo ldconfig

2) Compile Ultratools Editor: go to the src folder

$ qmake "UltraTools" $ make $ sudo make install

Bramas commented 8 years ago

Thanks, hope everything will work fine :)