Named Entity Recognition; Word Segmentation; Neural Network
Chinese word segmentation (CWS) models
3.1 CNN-LSTM-CRF Architecture for CNER
3.3 Pseudo Labeled Data Generation
动机:Our method is motivated by the observation that if an entity name in a sentence is
replaced by another entity name with the same concept, then the new sentence is usually correct in grammar and semantics
We conducted experiments on different ratios (i.e., 5%, 25% and 100%) of training data to test the performance of different methods with insufficient and sufficient labeled samples. For those methods which involve pseudo labeled samples, the number of pseudo samples is the same with the real labeled samples. The experimental results on the Bakeoff-3 and Bakeoff-4 datasets are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. We have several findings from the results.
针对CNER,通过CNN-LSTM-CRF解决学习context问题。并与 分词模型进行联合训练。还提出了通过替换entity的数据增强方法。
3.1 CNN-LSTM-CRF Architecture for CNER
3.3 Pseudo Labeled Data Generation
动机:Our method is motivated by the observation that if an entity name in a sentence is replaced by another entity name with the same concept, then the new sentence is usually correct in grammar and semantics
“李刚在阿里工作“ 变为“王小超在谷歌工作"。
对于CWS (分词)标签的变化为: “B/I/B/B/I/B/B/I" -> “B/I/I/B/B/I/B/B/I"
具体做法,先从样本中提取所有的entity name(EN),然后随机选择一个有标记的句子,从EN中随机选择同样concept的entity来代替。这样得到的pseudo sentence的NER标签和CWS标签都可以自动获得。
4.1 Datasets and Experimental Settings
4.2 Performance Evaluation
pseudo的数量和real labeled样本的数量是一样的。
We conducted experiments on different ratios (i.e., 5%, 25% and 100%) of training data to test the performance of different methods with insufficient and sufficient labeled samples. For those methods which involve pseudo labeled samples, the number of pseudo samples is the same with the real labeled samples. The experimental results on the Bakeoff-3 and Bakeoff-4 datasets are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. We have several findings from the results.
4.3 Influence of Pseudo Labeled Samples