BranchMetrics / capacitor-branch-deep-links

Capacitor plugin for deep links
MIT License
33 stars 43 forks source link

iOS Status 200 error (null) #119

Closed jhipkisshex closed 5 months ago

jhipkisshex commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

iOS v16.5 physical device. Have a deep link coming in from Slack the API call is triggered and I can see the data is returned, but the event listener, whilst triggered, only spits out {}

Physical device: v16.5.1, iphone8 xcode: v14.3.1 capacitor-branch-deep-links: v5.0.0 capacitor: v4.1.1 ios BranchSDK: v2.2.0 branch configuration: test Branch.setUseTestBranchKey(true)

Steps to reproduce

  1. build an app with the above versions
  2. try to click a test link on a device
  3. the link routes the user to the correct application
  4. then observe in the xcode logs that the API call returns the data and Status 200 error (null)
  5. The event listener will be triggered and no data will be returned: {"referringParams":{}}

Expected behavior

Expected: that referringParams is actually populated with the data from the API.

SDK Version


Make and Model

iphone 8



Additional Information/Context

Request (from xcode logs)

2023-07-18 16:58:33.872399+0100 App[2327:170281] [] BNCServerInterface.m(413) Debug: Body: {
    "ad_tracking_enabled" = 0;
    "anon_id" = "30AA3207-5C11-40A9-9B3A-B10DBEB5B0AE";
    "app_version" = "1.2.2";
    "apple_ad_attribution_checked" = 0;
    "apple_testflight" = 1;
    "branch_key" = "key_test_xxx";
    brand = Apple;
    build = 20F75;
    cd =     {
        mv = "-1";
        pn = "";
    "connection_type" = wifi;
    country = US;
    "cpu_type" = 16777228;
    debug = 0;
    "device_carrier" = "--";
    environment = "FULL_APP";
    "facebook_app_link_checked" = 0;
    "first_install_time" = 1668595230650;
    "hardware_id" = "xxxxxx";
    "hardware_id_type" = "vendor_id";
    instrumentation =     {
        "/v1/install-brtt" = 480;
    "ios_bundle_id" = "";
    "ios_vendor_id" = "xxxx";
    "is_hardware_id_real" = 1;
    language = en;
    "lastest_update_time" = 1689695896000;
    "latest_install_time" = 1689695899141;
    "local_ip" = "";
    locale = "en_US";
    metadata =     {
        "skan_time_window" = "5184000.000000";
    model = "iPhone10,4";
    "opted_in_status" = "not_determined";
    os = iOS;
    "os_version" = "16.5.1";
    "previous_update_time" = 1689695896000;
    "randomized_bundle_token" = 1209879206964938646;
    "randomized_device_token" = 1209879206876611234;
    retryNumber = 0;
    "screen_dpi" = 2;
    "screen_height" = 1334;
    "screen_width" = 750;
    sdk = "ios2.1.2";
    "universal_link_url" = "";
    update = 0;
    "uri_scheme" = beetl;
    "user_agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148";

Response (from xcode logs)

    "device_carrier": "--",
    "os_version": "16.5.1",
    "ios_bundle_id": "",
    "debug": false,
    "screen_dpi": 2,
    "country": "US",
    "is_hardware_id_real": true,
    "opted_in_status": "not_determined",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "anon_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "ad_tracking_enabled": false,
    "sdk": "ios2.1.2",
    "instrumentation": {
        "/v1/install-brtt": "480"
    "uri_scheme": "xxx",
    "environment": "FULL_APP",
    "metadata": {
        "skan_time_window": "5184000.000000"
    "connection_type": "wifi",
    "previous_update_time": 1689695896000,
    "retryNumber": 0,
    "universal_link_url": "",
    "facebook_app_link_checked": false,
    "lastest_update_time": 1689695896000,
    "local_ip": "",
    "brand": "Apple",
    "update": 0,
    "cd": {
        "pn": "",
        "mv": "-1"
    "cpu_type": "16777228",
    "screen_height": 1334,
    "apple_ad_attribution_checked": false,
    "model": "iPhone10,4",
    "randomized_device_token": "1209879206876611234",
    "branch_key": "key_test_xxx",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148",
    "first_install_time": 1668595230650,
    "hardware_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "os": "iOS",
    "hardware_id_type": "vendor_id",
    "latest_install_time": 1689695899141,
    "randomized_bundle_token": "1209879206964938646",
    "screen_width": 750,
    "build": "20F75",
    "language": "en",
    "ios_vendor_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "app_version": "1.2.2",
    "apple_testflight": true
2023-07-18 16:58:33.873546+0100 App[2327:170281] [] BNCNetworkService.m(207) Debug: Network start operation
2023-07-18 16:58:34.067984+0100 App[2327:170282] [] BNCNetworkService.m(202) Debug: Network finish operation 0.195s. Status 200 error (null).
    "data": "{\"$og_title\":\":raised_hands: xxx\",\"$deeplink_path\":\"path/myPathOfPaths\",\"~creation_source\":0,\"$og_description\":\"xxx\",\"+click_timestamp\":1689695914,\"$og_image_url\":\"xxx\",\"+match_guaranteed\":true,\"$desktop_url\":\"xxx\",\"event_id\":\"99ab03ca-c4da-4e3a-8871-7dbd522439ce\",\"+clicked_branch_link\":true,\"~id\":1209467844585220182,\"+is_first_session\":false,\"~referring_link\":\"xxx\",\"$android_url\":\"xxx\",\"$ios_url\":\"xxx\"}",
    "link": "",
    "randomized_bundle_token": "1209879206964938646",
    "randomized_device_token": "1209879206876611234",
    "session_id": "1209879232185378735"
2023-07-18 16:58:34.069251+0100 App[2327:170282] [] BNCServerInterface.m(496) Debug: Server returned: [3d8978b9-c630-4a25-8cf9-4a2b95d3aba4-2023071815] Status: 200; Data: {
    data = "{\"$og_title\":\"\xxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"$deeplink_path\":\"path/myPathOfPaths\",\"~creation_source\":0,\"$og_description\":\"xxxxxx\",\"+click_timestamp\":1689695914,\"$og_image_url\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"+match_guaranteed\":true,\"$desktop_url\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"event_id\":\"99ab03ca-c4da-4e3a-8871-7dbd522439ce\",\"+clicked_branch_link\":true,\"~id\":1209467844585220182,\"+is_first_session\":false,\"~referring_link\":\"\",\"$android_url\":\"xxxxx\",\"$ios_url\":\"xxxxx\"}";
    link = "";
    "randomized_bundle_token" = 1209879206964938646;
    "randomized_device_token" = 1209879206876611234;
    "session_id" = 1209879232185378735;
github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale due to inactivity for 60 days. If this issue is still relevant, please respond with any updates or this issue will be closed in 7 days. If you believe this is a mistake, please comment to let us know. Thank you for your contributions.

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been closed due to inactivity. If this issue is still relevant, please reopen it or create a new one. Thank you for your contributions.

metinjakupi commented 1 month ago

@jhipkisshex Did you find any solution?