BranchMetrics / capacitor-branch-deep-links

Capacitor plugin for deep links
MIT License
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[SDK-2252] Expose the setDMAParamsForEEA method #138

Closed nsingh-branch closed 2 months ago

nsingh-branch commented 2 months ago


SDK-2249 -- Expose the setDMAParamsForEEA method


Expose the setDMAParamsForEEA method in the JS layer and bump the native SDK versions.


So clients can utilize the method in Capacitor and stay compliant.

Type Of Change

Testing Instructions

  1. In a test app, install the capacitor-branch-deep-links@7.1.0-alpha.2 to get the latest version of our SDK with the new method.
  2. Call the method like BranchDeepLinks.setDMAParamsForEEA({true, true, true});
  3. Observe the following request payloads for the respective DMA fields; dma_eea, dma_ad_personalization, dma_ad_user_data .

cc @BranchMetrics/saas-sdk-devs for visibility.