BranchMetrics / capacitor-branch-deep-links

Capacitor plugin for deep links
MIT License
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Updates to Android Setup Documentation #28

Open stevecarlton opened 3 years ago

stevecarlton commented 3 years ago

Just went through the Android setup documentation for this plugin, located here:

I noticed a few discrepancies/opportunities for clarification for someone like me that has no native Android knowledge:

  1. In the first Android bullet point "If your app is in the Google Play Store, update build.gradle...". It would be helpful to highlight that the correct file is android/app/build.gradle and NOT android/build.gradle
  2. Would be helpful to know where to put
  3. In the section, the filename indicated at the top of the code snippet refers incorrectly AndroidManifest.xml.

Thought this might be best shared here but let me know if I should send this somewhere else.

webuniverseio commented 2 years ago

I'm in a similar situation, would be nice for branch team to review. It is also not clear if <_ name="branch_test_mode">true</_> should be a string or bool, because right now it is both due to a typo

Brandi-Youreka commented 1 year ago

I am also a bit confused as to where to put the file.