BranchMetrics / capacitor-branch-deep-links

Capacitor plugin for deep links
MIT License
32 stars 43 forks source link

Add setRequestMetadata, update iOS deployment target and remove web implementation #46

Open DanProudfoot opened 2 years ago

DanProudfoot commented 2 years ago

Hi - shout in advance if all three of these at once is a bit too much, it's just an offshoot of work I've done personally to get this plugin to where I need it. I've changed:

This is my first pull request on anything open source...ever, so please let me know if I need to make tweaks or anything of the sort

selected-pixel-jameson commented 2 years ago

Really need to get this released.

skout90 commented 1 year ago

@DanProudfoot your code helped me, Thanks 🙏