BranchMetrics / phonegap-plugin

PhoneGap/Cordova plugin for Tune
MIT License
8 stars 17 forks source link

Cordova does not send requests #12

Closed DenisUA closed 8 years ago

DenisUA commented 8 years ago

Basically I'm trying to see any answer in admin panel. What I have done:

  1. Installed cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-tune
  2. Implemented code from
  3. Created ios profile as it says here
  4. Got nothing in Actuals in menu

tested in simulator with Safari developer console, no requests at all. Even when I'm trying trigger any events from list (Like login/registration etc.)

john-gu commented 8 years ago

Hi @DenisUA, could you send a support request to and include your advertiser ID and app package name? We'll be able to look further into this with your account details specifically.

DenisUA commented 8 years ago

@john-gu ok done, thank you for the quick reply