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TUNE iOS, Android, and Windows native SDKs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crashing in iOS 12.1.2 | TuneUtils.m line 175 +[TuneUtils checkJailBreak] | #46

Open SachinPhonepe opened 5 years ago

SachinPhonepe commented 5 years ago

I have Tunes integrated from a very long time, from nowhere I started seeing a new crash in iOS version : iOS 12.1.2 I am using Tune pod version : pod 'Tune', '4.12.5'

in crashlytics it is captured, log :

TuneUtils.m line 175 +[TuneUtils checkJailBreak]


Crashed: EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000

Crashed: 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x2359ea010 _platform_strcmp 1 (Missing) 0x105bf29e0 (Missing) 2 (Missing) 0x105b66d64 (Missing) 3 (Missing) 0x105b66c3c (Missing) 4 (Missing) 0x105b6cb58 (Missing) 5 PhonePe 0x10130e650 +[TuneUtils checkJailBreak] (TuneUtils.m:175) 6 PhonePe 0x1012e6cf4 -[TuneConfiguration updateShouldAutoDetectJailbroken:] (TuneConfiguration.m:433) 7 PhonePe 0x1012e8058 -[TuneConfiguration setShouldAutoDetectJailbroken:] (TuneConfiguration.m:626) 8 PhonePe 0x1012e5090 -[TuneConfiguration setDefaultConfiguration] (TuneConfiguration.m:132) 9 PhonePe 0x1012e4e60 -[TuneConfiguration initWithTuneManager:] (TuneConfiguration.m:62) 10 PhonePe 0x1012d2f78 +[TuneModule moduleWithTuneManager:] (TuneModule.m:25) 11 PhonePe 0x1012a05fc +[TuneManager instantiateModules] (TuneManager.m:66)