BranchMetrics / unity-branch-deep-linking-attribution

The Branch Unity SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
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Android App Link doesn't work when use FB App Invite feature #77

Closed featalion closed 7 years ago

featalion commented 7 years ago


I implement Facebook App Invites. I am able to share app invite on the FB, but when click on the invite in the Android FB app, I got redirect to the Google Play Store, instead of my app. That redirect does not supply any information to the application. In the logs (adb logcat) from the Android FB app I see the following:

E fb4a.1jb: Native application url did not specify Android key hash. ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=market://details?id=MY-APP-BUNDLE-ID&

Note: MY-APP-BUNDLE-ID is right one, I replaced it to post here.

SHA256 certificate fingerprint is supplied via Branch's dashboard. In the Open Graph Object Debugger an app link looks reasonable, but doesn't contain app key hash:


It looks like App Link construction goes wrong and does not add required fields, at least the Android FB app says that. I don't know it happens in the Unity plugin, Android library, or on Branch's servers, but it makes FB App Invites useless. At the same time, direct links, i.e., works as expected, they open application directly through select app dialog.

I appreciate any help, thanks in advance!

P.S. I made support ticket as well.

antonargunov commented 7 years ago

Hi @featalion , thanks for report. We have started investigation of that issue.

antonargunov commented 7 years ago

@featalion do you use last version of Branch SDK? If no - try to update Branch SDK please.

featalion commented 7 years ago

@antonargunov yeah, I use the latest version of SDK

featalion commented 7 years ago

@antonargunov do you need more information about FB app configuration, AndroidManifest.xml, etc.?

featalion commented 7 years ago

After update to Unity3D 5.5 from 5.3 the bug disappeared.

antonargunov commented 7 years ago

@featalion thanks for report!