BranchMetrics / xamarin-branch-deep-linking-attribution

The Branch Xamarin SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
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Missing Support for Deep Linking Facebook App Install Campaigns #135

Open noerbot opened 3 years ago

noerbot commented 3 years ago

According to this Branch article on supporting Facebook App Install Campaigns, there are a few code snippets we need to add.

For Android, we're supposed to include the following for an app written in Java:

// This goes in the getAutoInstance call in your Application class

But the enableFacebookAppLinkCheck method isn't even defined in this repo, so I'm assuming support is missing there. Also, the example app doesn't provide an example of how to implement in C#.

For iOS, we're supposed to include the following for a native app written in Objective C:

// This goes BEFORE initSession is called in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
[[Branch getInstance] registerFacebookDeepLinkingClass:[FBSDKAppLinkUtility class]]

Although registerFacebookDeepLinkingClass is defined in this repo, there's no example of how to implement it in C#, so we're kind of left to guess.

Hoping someone can help out here! Thanks!