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Create a Congressional District map interface on top of Airtable #26

Closed saikat closed 7 years ago

saikat commented 7 years ago

We would want to use this, at least at first, to map the number of candidates we have per district in each round of vetting. But I can also imagine using it for events, visualizing offices, etc.

codygordon commented 7 years ago

I'm going to give this a stab. Spoke to @saikat on Slack today, and want to memorialize what we discussed.

Thinking of a non-geographically perfect map, but more of a "honeycomb" style scaled map using SVG assets, i.e. with interactivity like:

I'd also like to demo a version using the MapBox GL API, perhaps giving users an option to toggle between the two?

The kinds of things we’d like to visualize are:

1) Number of nominations per district. Heat map + if you click on a district, it shows the exact number 2) Number of nominations that have made it to round 4 of vetting in each district 3) Number of volunteers in each district (that would be reading from nationbuilder though, which is a different API from Airtable)

MVP can be a standalone React app allowing csv upload of data. For API integration, will explore GraphQL / Apollo.

Later, potential to integrate, i.e. the main interface would be the map, and then clicking into a district would show you info about the district such as qualitative and quantitative info.

saikat commented 7 years ago

Moved to its own project.