BrandonJoffe / home_surveillance

Home surveillance system with facial recognition
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Missing some methods in ImageUtils + Question about python-OpenCv dependecy #23

Closed AliGouta closed 7 years ago

AliGouta commented 7 years ago


I started digging the code. Thank you for sharing is :-)

I almost started running it on Pycharm. I noticed that there are some missing methods used in ImageUtils, such as: detect_cascade(), detect_cascadeface(), rgb_pre_processing(), ... Although these methods are not used elsewhere, I think only pre_processing() is used in FaceRecognizer, do we really still need them ? may be I am missing something.

Second question regarding the version of OpenCV used to capture Video and generating Fames. Which version have you guys used ?

mathieuduperre commented 7 years ago

are you running from the container or manual install? I'm running from the container and have no issue. I've added some logging mechanism so the console does not get filled like it does today. I'll finish this tomorrow and will commit in my fork if you are interested.

vahid-dan commented 7 years ago


As it is in OpenFace Setup Guide, it works with OpenCV 2.4.11. I have tried with a newer version of OpenCV and it didn't work.

If you're running it under docker or install the dependencies manually one by one, you won't get any error about missing methods.


vahid-dan commented 7 years ago


To be more clear, if you want to be sure you have installed all the required dependencies, I suggest you to setup OpenFace and run the demos first before you run home_surveillance application.


BrandonJoffe commented 7 years ago

Hey @AliGouta,

sorry for the delayed response!

To answer your first question the additional methods in the ImageUtils are not used directly and were used during the development and testing of the system. You are more than welcome to remove them.

Thanks @methodmath and @vdaneshmand for helping out :) unfortunately I don't have any time to spend on the project at the moment. If you would like a detailed description of the system and how it works I am more than happy to share my thesis with you (you can request it by sending me a private mail).


AliGouta commented 7 years ago

Hi everyone, thank you all for your answers. It was great from you guys.

@BrandonJoffe I am definitively interested in your thesis, I will send you an email :) Thx ! and great work.

Ali Gouta.