BrandonJoffe / home_surveillance

Home surveillance system with facial recognition
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home_surveillance folder #8

Closed EstebanExplorer closed 8 years ago

EstebanExplorer commented 8 years ago

Hello brando

thanks for such a wonderful project.   I pulled the image from the hub of dockedocker pull bjoffe / openface_flask and I'm looking for the home_surveillance folder, but can not find.

also clone the image from github, but does not have the dockerfile repositositorio file.

I get your bearings I'm doing wrong

first of all, Thanks,

saludes from Colombia excuse my English use google translator

BrandonJoffe commented 8 years ago

Hey Calidoso,

once you have got the docker container running you'll have to navigate to the home_surveillance repository inside the mounted volume. My project unfortunately isn't on the image. To do this you'll have to cd into the volume. cd host/Users inside the docker container and you'll see your home directory, from there you'll be able to navigate to the home_surveillance repository where you'll see the system directory: cd system and run: python :)

My current master has a few issues when using more than one camera, I have fixed most them and I will be uploading the latest version shortly.

Let me know if you get it working ok.


EstebanExplorer commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your prompt response friend,

Excuse me for my ignorance, I could not find the directory (attached image)

thanks in advance for bearings.

`edwin@calidoso:~$ docker pull bjoffe/openface_flask Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from bjoffe/openface_flask

Digest: sha256:536fe4cb451e8a1309a062c33bb80ecd2ca3bd7f0c818d3f371c5dcfdc10a89b Status: Image is up to date for bjoffe/openface_flask:latest

edwin@calidoso:~$ docker run -v /Users/:/host/Users -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 -p 5000:5000 -t -i bjoffe/openface_flask /bin/bash

root@59a3a01d1a1e:/# ls
Users boot etc host lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var bin dev home lib media opt root sbin sys usr

root@59a3a01d1a1e:/# cd root

root@59a3a01d1a1e:~# ls -a . .. .bashrc .cache .pip .profile flask openface torch root@59a3a01d1a1e:~# `

BrandonJoffe commented 8 years ago

No prob,

I was also pretty confused with docker when I started out.

root@59a3a01: cd host/Users

Once you in the Users directory you'll see all your local directories and you'll be able to navigate to the home_surveillance repo.

EstebanExplorer commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your understanding friend, I'm a little closed, and not able to locate the folder home_surveillance.

`root@59a3a01d1a1e:~# : cd host/Users

root@59a3a01d1a1e:~# ls -a

. .. .bashrc .cache .pip .profile flask openface torch root@59a3a01d1a1e:~# `

BrandonJoffe commented 8 years ago

Hey Calidoso,

sorry for the delayed response.

What OS are you using? You may have to mount your own volume depending on your OS. I'm using Yosemite on my Mac. Also you have to be in the host directory to have access to your local files through the mounted volume, but this can be changed as follows.

/Users/:/host/Users this can be changed to suit your file structure i.e. /path_to_home_surveillance/:/path_inside_docker_container

I suggest you read a little on volumes in the Docker guide if you still struggling.


EstebanExplorer commented 8 years ago

Do not worry, thank you very much for answering. And it works great.


acemi1 commented 5 years ago

I've had the same problem. I could not find the home_surveillance folder. I solved the problem. I have run "docker run -v / Users /: / host -p 5000: 5000 -t -i bjoffe / openface_flask_v2 / bin / bash".

I couldn't find the folder I was looking for in the "root @" line, so I created a new folder with the mkdir command.

For example: root @ 49486cf276c6: / # mkdir facerecognition1234

Later in Linux, I found the name facerecognition1234 in the Files application (linux: You can also run "Files" by typing Nemo from the Menu; Windows: file manager) 2 results found for (you can now delete the facerecognition1234 folder)

/ Proc / 6204 / root and / var / lib / docker / aufs / diff / 043ee38a63580f046c7

I moved the home_surveillance folder to one of these folders. Then the problem was solved.

root @ 49486cf276c6: / # cd home_surveillance root @ 49486cf276c6: / home_surveillance # cd system root @ 49486cf276c6: / yuztani / system # python

I use google translate

Türkçe: Ben de aynı sorunu yaşadım. home_surveillance klasörünü bulamadım. Problemi söyle çözdüm. "docker run -v /Users/:/host -p 5000:5000 -t -i bjoffe/openface_flask_v2 /bin/bash" çalıştırdım.

"root@" satırında aradığım klasörü bulamayınca mkdir komutuyla yeni bir klasör oluşturdum.

Örneğin: root@49486cf276c6:/# mkdir facerecognition1234

Daha sonra Linux da Dosyalar uygulamasında facerecognition1234 adını arattırdım (linux: Menü den Nemo yazarak da "Dosyalar" ı çalıştırabilirsiniz; Windows: dosya yöneticisi) karşıma 2 adet sonuç çıktı (facerecognition1234 klasörünü artık silebilirsiniz)

/proc/6204/root ve /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/043ee38a63580f046c7

home_surveillance klasörünü, bu klasörlerden bir tanesine taşıdım. Daha sonra sorun çözüldü.

root@49486cf276c6:/# cd home_surveillance root@49486cf276c6:/home_surveillance# cd system root@49486cf276c6:/yuztani/system# python