BrandonWill / GrepolisBot

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Problems with farming villages #22

Closed Spammaren closed 7 years ago

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

Hello again! Another problem have come up for me recently, and from reading the latest in your discussion/future updates-thread there seems to be more people with the same issue. Hence, I'm making a new issue.

For me the problem started suddenly after I upgraded my farming villages to level 5. Or at least I think that's what caused it since nothing else changed. I also read in the other thread that it stops farming at about 4000-ish resources left in the farming village. If I recall correctly I think that's what my farming villages were at when the bot started having problems.

Whenever it's supposed to farm the villages now it just returns, as an example; 21:07:23 The farming village Gavkytana isn't ready to be farmed or is farmed to its' cap! for every single farming village on the island. I know for a fact that it has neither reached its' cap nor is it on cooldown. Building units and structures work fine.

BrandonWill commented 7 years ago

Are you playing on one of the newer worlds that have battle point villages? The bot isn't really programmed for the older worlds.

The game doesn't give any of this information so it has to be calculated by me. I use the values here:

So a level 5 farming village would have 4500 your world speed max limit. Check if this is the case. A level 5 farming village will also give 24 your world speed, or if you have villagers loyalty 51 * your world speed.

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

Yes, I am on the battle point villages. My world speed is 2 so my daily limit is 9000 and this is the same as in-game. I gain 48 resources from the 5 minute choice so that is correct as well.

BrandonWill commented 7 years ago

Hmm... have you upgraded the farming villages after starting the bot? If you were to restart the bot, does the problem still exist? The bot should automatically update accordingly, but I may have messed something up

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

Well, yes I upgraded the farming villages in the bot in-game browser after getting a good chunk of battle points from a battle. But I have tried to restart the bot, downloading a new copy, changing mood settings and intervals etc. Nothing seems to work.

I will try after reset tonight when the villages are full again. Maybe the bot thinks they still are the lower level and have been emptied and therefore doesn't try to farm them.

Will post back with results tomorrow!

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

The farming worked after reset so I suppose that maybe the code is built in such a way that the farming villages' levels aren't updated if they are upgraded when the bot is running? Maybe you store the max amount of resources in a variable each day and that is only updated after reset? I have no idea, just a few suggestions. Thanks anyway for the speedy response.

BrandonWill commented 7 years ago

It seems like a really weird bug. Without having captain, the bot is actually supposed to destroy all the knowledge it has about the farming villages and then retrieve it again. It does this right before it farms every single time so that it'll discover new farming villages that you've unlocked. And it's supposed to keep their levels updates as well. I'll keep the issue open so I can try to find the cause

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

Strange... It happened again only this time the farming villages' levels didn't change while the bot was running. It does the 5 minute interval option until it reaches ~5000/10000 resources left and then stops and returns the same message as above.

Also, sidenote! I don't know if I'm doing something wrong with the settings but I can't get the bot to loot in anything other than those 5 minute intervals. I change the setting but the bot still keeps looting every 5 minutes.

BrandonWill commented 7 years ago

The first issue should now be fixed. It should farm it all the way down now

Spammaren commented 7 years ago

Great! Thanks so much for taking your time to maintain this bot for the benefit of all of us, I understand that it might sometimes take an unreasonable amount of your spare time.

BrandonWill commented 7 years ago

Second problem should now be fixed for both captain and non-captain users.