Branham-Computer-Science-23-24 / Dropping-the-Bomb

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Explosion #3

Open LleytonH opened 6 months ago

LleytonH commented 6 months ago

Import the explosion image and assign it to a turtle.

LleytonH commented 6 months ago

-----Nuclear Explosion-----

Explosion = 'Nuke_Explosion.gif' wn.addshape(Explosion) mascot3 = trtl.Turtle(shape = Explosion) mascot3.penup() mascot3.hideturtle()

benlim10 commented 6 months ago

looks good but there might be a need for some indendation

Dorrito123 commented 6 months ago

Hey it makes the mushroom cloud explosion. And I suppose the hideturtle is to make it disappear to be later used in another part of your code. So good job. However you do need to upload the images for it to really work on someone elses version