BranniganLab / nougat

Analysis of membrane height, thickness, and curvature
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Running vmd via slurm sometimes generates concerning message that should be ignored #334

Open JesseSandberg opened 1 month ago

JesseSandberg commented 1 month ago

Jobs sometimes fail when running VMD via slurm and specifying the number of cores to be fewer than are available.

This results in the following error: wkf_thread_set_self_cpuaffinitylist: sched_setaffinity: Invalid argument

The workaround presented here appears to work only intermittently:

JesseSandberg commented 1 month ago

although on second though it looks like this gets printed to stderr but the job continues so maybe we just need a note for the user

JesseSandberg commented 2 weeks ago

Renaming issue to be more precise