BraydenBrekke / TrailCam

Converting LoraWan Helium Miners into Trail Camera
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Deciding on A Language and LoRaWan Library #1

Open BraydenBrekke opened 4 months ago

BraydenBrekke commented 4 months ago

We need to be able to interface with the LoRaWan Antennas on the RPis. Due to the complexity of this protocol, finding an ease-of-use library is probably going to be the deciding factor for the language that we use.

CStras commented 4 months ago

Depending on if the camera attached to the RPis is an official camera module from the company, picamera is the defaulted library for a Python interface to the RPi camera module.
I reccomend this library if we use the official camera module because it is well documented in the company's educational program and is designed to seemlessly interface with the hardware.

BraydenBrekke commented 4 months ago

the RPi camera module (although is important) is fairly easy to interface with across really any language and I'm sure multiple libraries.

I'm more focused on LoRaWan and the complexity with interfacing with that.

It looks like this library will interface with the Semtek loraWan radio that the Rak-miner uses:

BraydenBrekke commented 4 months ago

data sheet for the miner we're repurposing:

CStras commented 4 months ago

The LoRaRF library looks great.

I'm not seeing any data in the link you posted, can you send an updated link?

BraydenBrekke commented 4 months ago

emtech® SX1302 radio

BraydenBrekke commented 4 months ago

CStras commented 4 months ago

This is a libray for the esp32-cam. It will allow us to convert the cam data to JPEG which will further help with the compression and transfer of the images.