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Implment_Routing_Skeleton #1

Closed danbergeron3 closed 4 months ago

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

General Description

Build a basic routing Skelton to build the backend of off

Proposed Solution

Get it so communications work


danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

Dependencies: To create a live update server I use nodemon. It can be installed using npm install --save-dev nodemon . This saves it to the dev dependencies. Then under script in package.json add "devStart": "nodemon server.js" then you can use npm run devStart to run nodemon.

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

Also run npm install body-parser to gain access to the json body parser for CRUD operations in the routing

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

run 'npm install dotenv' to gain access to .env files, you will need this to hide sensitive information. Double check that the .gitignore has .env listed. To use in code use require("dotenv").config();

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

Also ensure you have a node project .gitignore

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

Ensure you run npm install express and npm intstall mongoose. Express is a library for routing and mongoose is the library for the MongoDB data base.

danbergeron3 commented 4 months ago

All the basic routes are established and are configured to run on a local environment.