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Research and design finances screen functionality. #22

Closed shivy02 closed 3 months ago

callbacked commented 3 months ago

Update: 4 out of the 6 widgets have been added thus far based off the figma implmentation, what currently is being worked on at the moment are the 'Investment Goals' widget and the 'Asset Details' widget


For context about 'Asset Details' I am trying to pull any stocks/crypto found in a user's linked brokerage account and display it as a line chart with options to switch between what they want to see, something similar (but very simplifed) to this


Found an API called Finnhub which is free and rate limited to 30 calls/sec and I plan on using that alongside recharts for the visualization once i get a good look at the docs.

Alot of refactoring and styling is pending but I feel confident that much of the frontend side will be ready for alpha, and will just be a matter of plugging in with our API's :)

callbacked commented 3 months ago


"Investments Goal" widget now pending, also switched to using FMP's API since it has more features on the free tier and the rate limit is pretty fine for our use case

Also for this widget, ideally it would pull from the Plaid linked investment account and see what stocks or crypto assets it holds, which would populate the left side of the widget

const stockOptions = ['AAPL', 'GOOGL', 'MSFT', 'AMZN', 'FB'];

In a later revision I plan on pulling the stocks/crypto the user has and how much of it to show how much their assets are currently worth according to the market.

const stockOptions = 
[asset: 'AAPL',  amount: 'x'
asset: 'GOOGL', amount: 'x'
callbacked commented 3 months ago


Work on the Investments Goal widget has been started today and got the radial bar chart working, more or less I want it to resemble my sketch (ignore the mismatched goal numbers) that I drew for it (assuming I could even overlay two recharts components on top of each other) -- but things so far have been going well and a ton of css styling and refactoring will be left (on top of hooking stuff with the backend) after this widget is done.


(realized I wrote "goals" and not "goal" lmao but that will change)

callbacked commented 3 months ago

closed, foundation for this is set now -- styling is missing