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Integrate Plaid Link #30

Closed shivy02 closed 3 months ago

shivy02 commented 3 months ago

General Description

Plaid requires a link with it and the client on top of a link with the server, to gain access to the development sandbox. This first step in plaid integration is full filling this. Once completed we should have access to the endpoints.
Create a plaid account to gain access to the api keys and Docs. Use a simple html file as a frontend, to establish the client side endpoint. Start in the server file and establish routes to the ceate_linkToken endpoint, then a route to the exchange_token . If the connection hits all these endpoints without error a connection should be established with plaid, and the other endpoints can be testested and brought in. <enter here>


danbergeron3 commented 3 months ago

Ensure that the key in the .env is set to sandbox key. Also important when configuring ensure you are using the correct version of plaid.

danbergeron3 commented 3 months ago

Plaid use requires the following libraries

danbergeron3 commented 3 months ago

We successfully connected and started probing endpoints