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Liquidity Pool Token ($BUTTER) voting power #64

Open RonTuretzky opened 2 months ago

RonTuretzky commented 2 months ago


User flows


BreadHolder ->> LP : Deposit $BREAD and recieve LP Tokens

BreadHolder ->> ButteredBread : Deposit LP Tokens

ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : Record LP token amount

ButteredBread ->> BreadHolder : Mint $BB

BreadHolder ->> YieldDistributor : Use $BB to vote

note right of BreadHolder : Some time has passed and BreadHolder wants to withdraw their bread from the LP

BreadHolder ->> ButteredBread : Exchange $BB for LP token

BreadHolder ->> Liquidity Pool : Withdraw

Implementation Suggestion

This implementation relies on the idea that the "weight" for LP tokens is a constant, initialised when whitelisting a new LP. This relies on the assumption that the LP will always try to balance itself such that Butter will reach equilibrium, and if initialising the LP with an equal amount of $BREAD and some token in value (for example 1000 bread and 920 EUROs), we can take the virtual price of the Butter at that point to be our constant scaling factor. Given our assumption that the liquidity pools won't significantly depeg, this constant scaling factors simplifies our implementation.

Without this assumption, another option is for the scaling factor to be determined at the time of deposit, and so $BB will be minted according to how much $BREAD the Butter is worth at the time of deposit. This introduces several dependencies



class IERC20{

totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);


class ERC20VotesUpgradeable{

checkpoints(address account, uint32 pos) public view virtual returns (Checkpoints.Checkpoint208 memory)

numCheckpoints(address account) public view virtual returns (uint32)

delegate(address delegatee)


class ButteredBread {

address => bool whitelistedLP

address => address=> uint256 accountToLPBalance

address => uint256 scalingFactors

deposit(address lp, uint256 amount)

withdraw(address lp,uint256 amount)
mint(address to, uint256 amount)
_burn(address holder, uint256 amount)


ERC20VotesUpgradeable <|-- ButteredBread

class ILiquidityPool1{

Curve Monerium <> BREAD


class ILiquidityPool2{

Curve xDAI <> BREAD


class ILiquidityPool3{

UniswapV3 USDC <> BREAD


IERC20<|-- ILiquidityPool1

IERC20<|-- ILiquidityPool2

IERC20<|-- ILiquidityPool3

IERC20<|-- ERC20VotesUpgradeable

class YieldDistributorV2{

address [] votingTokens

castVote(uint256[] calldata _points)
 _castVote(address _account, uint256[] calldata _points, uint256 _votingPower) internal


class YieldDistributor{

uint256 cycleLength

uint256 currentVotes

uint256[] projectDistributions

address=>uint256 accountLastVoted

address=> uint256[] voterDistributions

getVotingPowerForPeriod(uint256 _start, uint256 _end, address _account, address token) external view returns (uint256)

castVote(uint256 [] points)




YieldDistributor <|-- YieldDistributorV2

YieldDistributorV2 o-- ButteredBread

class Bread{

claimYield(uint256 amount, address receiver) external ;

yieldAccrued() external view returns (uint256);

setYieldClaimer(address _yieldClaimer) external ;


Bread --o YieldDistributorV2

ILiquidityPool1 --o ButteredBread

ILiquidityPool2 --o ButteredBread

ILiquidityPool3 --o ButteredBread

Function Flow



BreadHolder ->> BREAD : Mint 20 BREAD

BreadHolder ->> LP : Deposit $BREAD 10 and recieve n LP Tokens

BreadHolder ->> LP : approve(address,amount)

LP ->> ButteredBread : Approve spending n LP Tokens

BreadHolder ->> ButteredBread : deposit(address,amount)

alt if !whitelistedLP[address]

ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : Revert


ButteredBread ->> LP : transferFrom(address,amount)

ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : accountToLPBalance[msg.sender][lpaddress]=amount

ButteredBread ->> BreadHolder : mint(msg.sender, amount * scalingFactors[lpaddress])

BreadHolder ->> YieldDistributor : castVote(uin256[] percentages)

YieldDistributor ->> YieldDistributor : voting power = sum([getCurrentVotingPower(token) for token in votingTokens])

YieldDistributor ->> YieldDistributor : _castVote(address _account, uint256[] calldata _points, uint256 _votingPower)

note right of BreadHolder : Some time has passed and BreadHolder wants to withdraw their bread from the LP

BreadHolder ->> ButteredBread : withdraw(address,amount)

alt if !whitelistedLP[address] || accountToLPBalance[msg.sender][lpaddress] < amount

ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : Revert



ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : accountToLPBalance[msg.sender][lpaddress]-=amount

ButteredBread ->> ButteredBread : _burn(msg.sender, amount * scalingFactors[lpaddress])

ButteredBread ->> LP: transfer(msg.sender,amount)

RonTuretzky commented 1 month ago

@kassandraoftroy would love your input here