BreakBB / ExtendedCharacterStats

Extended Character Stats: A WoW Classic addon
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[Protection Paladin] Avoidance Stat not true #230

Closed Darhen closed 1 year ago

Darhen commented 1 year ago

Bug description

Heya ! I wanted to report that the Avoidance stat value seems a little bit off on the ECS panel. It doesn't match with the value I get using the original macro from Tankspot (back in 2009), which is also the same value from

The Macro used : /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Unhittable at 102.4%% - you have %.2f%%", GetDodgeChance() + GetBlockChance() + GetParryChance() + 5 + 1/(0.0625 + 0.956/(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/4.91850*0.04))))



Also here is a link to my EightyUpgrade Set simulation for comparison sake


Extended Character Stats v3.0.7

Thanks and keep up your good work !

BreakBB commented 1 year ago

Hey @Darhen thanks a lot for reporting this and sorry for not responding for so long. I will look into this and hope to find the issue soon :tm:

BreakBB commented 1 year ago

Also could you link me the place you found that macro or more information on it?

ECS is using a totally different (and more simple) formular:

5 + (((playerDefense) - enemyAttackRating) * 0.04) + GetDodgeChance() + GetParryChance() + GetBlockChance()

Darhen commented 1 year ago

Hey @BreakBB , I'm happy to help.

Sadly is not accessible anymore as the site went down years ago... I remember finding this macro on a post from Here the link:

What makes me curious about all this is in the first place is that (which I use in theorycrafting) seems to use the same formula that I've given you as its avoidance value is strictly the same as the one I get with the macro in-game.
The team behind the website have a discord, they may know more about it than I do.

I don't know much about the formula, my guess is that maybe the Ecs formula doesn't include the diminishing returns that comes as we stacks more Parry & Dodge % ? That could explain why the value seems off by 1.25% .

I reported this because I know that later in P3 ToGC heroic mode on Anub'arak , one of the tanks (the "block-tank") must be avoidance capped at 102.4% in order to survive tanking the adds. The value then will be important to get right. Wichever of the two is the truest one.

Hope you'll find a way to know for sure and to correct it (or correct me) if need be. Thanks and good luck!

Darhen commented 1 year ago

Here is another trusty link I found about the hit tables in wow and their calculations. Hope it helps. Sadly many informations about the maths behind it have been lost with the death of site like Elitist jerks or Maintankadin (as many theory-crafting discussion originated from there)