BreakBB / ExtendedCharacterStats

Extended Character Stats: A WoW Classic addon
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Wrong MP5 in SoD #318

Closed lgpasquale closed 3 months ago

lgpasquale commented 4 months ago

Bug description

Some MP5 values seem to be wrong in SoD. I think there are 3 issues. How it's currently computed How it should be
MP5 (Spirit) Formula at MP5.lua#L93 GetManaRegen()
MP5 (Casting) GetManaRegen()*mod + mp5Items + auraValues Should be ok, but displayed value is wrong (see screenshot below)
MP5 (Not Casting) GetManaRegen() GetManaRegen() + mp5Items + auraValues

MP5 (Spirit) For the "MP5 (Spirit)", I think you can simply use GetManaRegen(). Alternatively, the correct formula I think should be:

MP5 (Casting) The "MP5 (Casting)" value should be correct, judging by a quick look at the code; however the value displayed is wrong. There must be a bug somewhere but I can't find it. In this screenshot I have 3 points in the Reflection talent, which grants 15% mana regen while casting. The "MP5 (Casting)" value however is much lower than what it should be. Screenshot from 2024-04-25 19-43-31

MP5 (Not casting) This value does not include the MP5 from items and auras. If this is intended it's a bit misleading.


ExtendedCaracterStats v3.3.1

BreakBB commented 3 months ago

Hey @lgpasquale sorry for not looking into this earlier.

It indeed looks like the MP5 code didn't age well. There are indeed many issues and the overview you provided helps a lot when looking into it.

I am quite sure I'll be able to fix this rather soon and ship another release.

BreakBB commented 3 months ago

Alright GetManaRegen now includes the mana reg changes from talents (such as "Reflection"). I am quite sure it didn't in the past, which is why I added all kind of extra checks.