BreakOutEvent / breakout-toolbox

This repository contains all the nifty little things which make our BreakOut-Dev-Live easier.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Information gathering #4

Open tgraupne opened 6 years ago

tgraupne commented 6 years ago
florianschmidt1994 commented 6 years ago

Dump of what I have already written down in my notes for backend

  1. Clone Backend from
  2. Install Docker
  3. Start Database with the following script: ./local-dev-env/ (This starts a new docker container)
  4. Get mock database or production database dump from a team member
  5. Import data with config, username root, password root database password port 3306
  6. Run backend with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=floriandev ./gradlew bootRun
  7. Application is running if you see 2017-08-06 21:06:09.145 INFO 72562 --- [ main] backend.Application$Companion : Started Application.Companion in 24.799 seconds (JVM running for 25.413)
  8. Check if it’s running in your browser at localhost:8088