BreakerLab / dimpl

DIMPL: Discovery of Intergenic Motifs PipeLine
MIT License
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Manifest File #23

Closed JohnStatz closed 2 years ago

JohnStatz commented 2 years ago

Not able to find or download the IGR search database from Globus. Not able to download the docker image

ggaffield commented 2 years ago

Ken is looking into the Globus issue. I sent him the current path to the file on the Farnam cluster. It seems to have been relocated due to storage path changes by the HPC admin group.

The docker issue is my fault. I'm in the midst of deploying a new release. I should have it resolved in a couple days.

kenibrewer commented 2 years ago

I'm going to close this issue as it relates to the Globus FTP link. I'll open a separate issue related to the Docker image availability.

@JohnStatz please let me know here if you have any additional issues related to FTP access.

kenibrewer commented 2 years ago

I changed my mind about creating a new issue.

@JohnStatz The problem you were having with pulling the docker image is probably because we don't currently have an image tagged as 'latest'. That's probably something we should add, in the meantime just use the command docker pull breakerlab/dimpl:v1.0.1 instead. I've changed the READme to reflect this.

@ggaffield When the new version of the docker is production ready, you'll want to change tag it as latest in addition to its version tag, and then you can change the README instructions back to a generic docker pull without the version tag.

JohnStatz commented 2 years ago

@kenibrewer @ggaffield Thank you both!