Breakthrough / DVR-Scan

:vhs: Tool for extracting scenes with motion from videos (e.g. security camera or DVR footage). Written in Python, uses OpenCV.
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Allow configuration of the "learning rate" parameter of the background subtractor #158

Closed felixscheffer closed 2 months ago

felixscheffer commented 2 months ago

Adds a parameter called 'learning-rate' to the config file to set the 'learning rate' value of the background subtractor.

Breakthrough commented 2 months ago

Hi @felixscheffer, could you please fix the formatting before submission, and also rebase this PR onto the develop branch?

You can run python -m yapf --diff -r dvr_scan/ to view the errors or python -m yapf -i -r dvr_scan/ to fix the files in-place (or see the build output for the change).

Thank you for the PR!

felixscheffer commented 2 months ago

Hi @Breakthrough

I updated the formatting and rebased the branch onto the develop branch