Breakthrough / PySceneDetect

:movie_camera: Python and OpenCV-based scene cut/transition detection program & library.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Inconsistent scene result between CLI and python code #343

Closed teyou closed 11 months ago

teyou commented 11 months ago


There is an inconsistency between the output from CLI and python code while executing the same logic. It is expected to return 1 scene instead of 0 from running via python code



scenedetect -i test.mp4 detect-content --threshold 27.0 list-scenes 

Its output as below

PySceneDetect] PySceneDetect 0.6.2
[PySceneDetect] Scene list filename format:
[PySceneDetect] Detecting scenes...                                                                                                                                                                              
Detected: 0 | Progress: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 901/901 [00:00<00:00, 1645.94frames/s]
[PySceneDetect] Processed 901 frames in 0.9 seconds (average 970.58 FPS).
[PySceneDetect] Detected 1 scenes, average shot length 30.0 seconds.
[PySceneDetect] Writing scene list to CSV file:
[PySceneDetect] Scene List:
 | Scene # | Start Frame |  Start Time  |  End Frame  |   End Time   |
 |      1  |           1 | 00:00:00.000 |         901 | 00:00:30.033 |

Python Code

import scenedetect as sd

video = sd.open_video('test.mp4')
sm = sd.SceneManager()
sm.detect_scenes(video, show_progress=True)
scene_list = sm.get_scene_list()
print(f"scene_list: {scene_list}")

Output as blow

scene_list: []


pip install scenedetect
pip install opencv-python


fullstackfool commented 11 months ago

To quote @Breakthrough:

You can set start_in_scene=True to always get at least one scene back 🙂 This happens by default when using the CLI, but must be explicit when using the Python API.

fullstackfool commented 11 months ago

Ah, I see you're building the SceneManager directly, rather than using the detect() method thats available. In that case you should update your call to get_scene_list() to get_scene_list(start_in_scene=True)

teyou commented 11 months ago

oh great, thanks @fullstackfool for your input!

For anyone who want to find the doc, here's the link :