BrechtDeMan / WebAudioEvaluationTool

A tool based on the HTML5 Web Audio API to perform perceptual audio evaluation tests locally or on remote machines over the web.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GithubPages hosting - No server key generated #299

Open djmoffat opened 4 years ago

djmoffat commented 4 years ago


I am working with a student to develop a WAET listening test for their project @hazza-music Currently we are trying to host the page as a GitHub page, but we keep getting an error of

An unspecified error occured, no server key could be generated I am trying to work out if this is related to Github pages being suitable to host a WAET test, or if there are other issues.

Test URL:

I think it would be a great demo of WAET if we can host on github pages. Thanks

djmoffat commented 4 years ago

No longer urgent, as project has been re-developed with a competitors tool

JalleyLin commented 2 years ago

what did you use?

djmoffat commented 2 years ago

I used free web hosting services. Though I cannot guarantee this will work, it has worked for me in the past.